torsdag 5. april 2012


What is the point with gardens?

I mean... Sometimes, they look good. But do you know how much work there is behind that beautiful garden?

I was outside yesterday and was... what is the english word for it? *google translate* oh.. It was, was it.. Oh yeah.. I was outside and rake'd(?) in the garden. But this garden of mine has been neglected for many numbers of years, so it is soooo much work. And I don't know where to effin start!

The grass... Well. I'll give it a few years. To come back, that is. It is just moss... Like in the forrest, you know? Lack of sunshine..

The trees that was the sunshine blocker is gone, but it will be some time before the grass can grow again. And where it was trees, it is now bush.. No, not George Bush. But buuuuuuuush. Alot of it.
It is so effin tempting to get the chainsaw and just cut it all down.

Chainsaw... Not bad... Hmmm. This needs to have some consideration.

The bush. Will be gone. In one way or another.

No.. Not George, I'd tell ya. The weedsbushes... *Curses hard in good ol' norwegian*

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