mandag 30. desember 2013

Year 2013.

I saw a cool thing the other day. You take a jar, and as the year goes by, you put notes in it about good things that happend, and on New Years Eve, you open the jar and read all the notes to be reminded of the small, little, good things.

This is a thing I will start with next year, for my memory always fools me, and when I'm sitting at years end, the only things I remember is the bad ones.

Like this year. I lost my job(kinda), got sick(again), had to readjust my vision of things, life and the future, I lost people, I got into trouble on numerous occations that took a long time to get out of and, on occasions, heartbreak even though I wasn't involved with anyone.

Do I remember a single good thing? If I think really hard, maybe I can remember one? Ofcourse, there have been some of those small little moments that have been pure joy, love and happiness, but trying to remember them while I'm sitting here and are reliving all the bad ones, that is actually one of the hardest things to do.

This "Good memories" Jar is going to be a good thing, I think. So that next year, when I'm sitting here, I can write about all the good things that happend in 2014.

Maybe this is something you could do? Sometimes we need all the help we can get in remembering the good things, don't you think?

The choice is there. Do or don't?

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